Thursday 17 April 2014

Have a safe and happy holiday

Have a safe and happy holiday! I look forward to seeing you in Term 2, starting on the 5th of May. Ms P

The Blood Moon on Tuesday night...

CE brought in for news on Wednesday morning her report about the blood red moon that appeared in the sky on Tuesday night. It was a lunar eclipse and the light that was reflecting off the moon turned it a red colour. 

After CE shared her news, K McK asked, "Does the moon leave a shadow on the water?" This is a question we are going to look into and think about. 

Our wonderful term one certificate winner!

Congratulations K McK! You deserve to receive the term certificate for being an outstanding class member and always willing to give anything a go. All of Room 8, Ms Pearce and your lovely family are super proud of you!

Friday 11 April 2014

Our superstars this week

Here are our superstars this week. CB for using his best handwriting, always and SN for being a very respectful class member. Well done boys!

Happy Hour

We love Happy Hour in Room 8 as it is a chance to share our toys with others and a celebration for us doing the right thing at school. 

This is CB's big teddy bear who came to Happy Hour! Even Ms Pearce had a cuddle. 

Friday 4 April 2014

Our superstars this week!

Well done LK and WS! LK is our special terrific person because she can use capital letters and full stops in her writing without even being asked too! WS is our values person because he is a very respectful young man in class. 