Wednesday 29 October 2014

Today's Maths activities

Today we went over our knowledge about the family of facts within 10 and we got very fast at recalling them. We have put them up on our wall so we can look at them and go over them as much as we want. 

We also looked at our homework from last night which was to find out who was the tallest person in our house. We took a poll and found out the 18 of our Dads are the tallest in our house and 1 Mum. We started to think, why could this be? Here are some of our ideas we came up with:

  • Dads are just bigger.
  • Dads grow from birthdays. 
  • Dad eats healthy food and drinks lots of water. 
  • Because he is the oldest. 
  • He was born first. 
  • He eats lots of food everyday. 
  • He sleeps a lot. 
  • His birthday is before Mum. 
Then someone said, "But my Dad is taller than my Mum and Mum is older than Dad!" This started a big group discussion about why people are taller than some people and someone finally offered this idea:

"It is because of their Mum and Dad that they are tall". 

As a class, we came to conclusion that is a lot of different things that make some people taller than others. 
Great thinking Room 8!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Maths week this week!

We love Maths in Room 8 and this week EVERYTHING is about Maths! We will be putting up our work this week on our Blog so you can see what we are up too. 

Here are today's photos:

Friday 24 October 2014

Our special people of the week

Well done to our special people of the week. BY and LT received the special terrific person awards for their outstanding behaviour and learning in Room 8. KMcK is our values person this week for always being determined to learn and do her best. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Room 8's calendar art.

We made our apple inspired calendar art and we are super proud of it! We thought you might want to have a sneak peek before ordering.

Orders for the calendars are due into Ms Pearce or the office by the 22nd of October. 

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Term 4 start date......13th October 2014

Ms Pearce is looking forward to seeing you all on Monday the 13th of October.