Tuesday 25 March 2014

A very special fairy house....

TA from our class has been working so hard with her Mum to make a beautiful fairy house. She wanted to share it for news but it is so precious and delicate that we could only have a photo of it as it couldn't make the journey to school. 
TA has been collecting items for her fairy house for awhile now and the house has slowly but surely come together in a stunning way. 
We know the fairies will be visiting TA! Thank you for sharing your creation with us. 


  1. Hi to all my classroom friends & Mrs Pearce ....

  2. Thank you for putting up my fairy house picture on your blog �� I have had many visits & gifts from the fairies since & my mum & I have introduced some more magical animals & forest plants to the fairy house since this last photo. I will ask my mum to take another photo & send it to you all soon!
    I hope you are all learning hard like I am & promise to come & visit you all soon.
    Lots of love Tayla ����
